Tuesday 5 January 2016

Planning : Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule for our teen horror movie.

Saturday 16th Of January:

At 12pm on the 16th on January, our group will meet in location 1 (the forest) to start filming. At 12 we will do the establishing shot which will set our scene (shot 1).

Quarter 1
From 12:05 till 12:20, we will film all of the running scenes in our first quarter (shot 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14) giving u around two minutes for each shot. These will be no longer than 5 seconds long so most of our time will be used getting the actors in place and making sure we have the right angle for the shot.

From 12:21 till 12:30 we will do the point of view shots in the first quarter (9 and 15). These will take longer to film than the first 9 as the angles will have to be placed more strategically and make sure that the focus of the camera is on the right part on the scene and the correct characters.

From 12:31 till 12:50, we will film there shots of the girl using her phone (shots 4, 5 and 6). These will need a lot of direction as this involves the correct expressions from the actor and the props will need to be used appropriately so that the scene flows properly.

Quarter 2
At 1pm, we will move onto the running shots in quarter 2 (shots 20, 21, 22 and 24). These shouldn't take too longs we will have already done some running shots and will know how to maximise the use of the camera and the actors will know what they are doing straight away. This should take 15 minutes.

At 1:15 we will start filming the first axe scene. This will take some time as we will have to use shot, reverse shot to make sure that this scene flows properly and have all the right angles in the scene. We will need to film his scene at least twice so that it when it is edited it will look realistic. We will also have to place props in the correct place as in this scene the axe has to be place in the tree properly. This will take 30 minutes.

Quarter 3
From 1:45 till 2:30, we will be filming the scene where the girl gets killed by the lumberjack (shot 23, 25, 26 ,27, 28, 29, 31, 32 and 33) this will take time as we will have to film this scene 2-3 times as we will be using shot, reverse shot to make sure the audience feels like they are the actual characters and in the scene itself.

Quarter 4
At 2:45, we will start with the running, long shot (shot 34) and then move onto the point of view shot (shot 35). These shouldn't take too long as they are easy to do and we will have previously done similar ones to this. This will take 10 minutes.

At 3pm we will do the scene where the Lumberjack chases the boy into the abandoned house (shot 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44). This will take around 1 hour as we will be moving locations and will be using shot, reverse shot to make the audience feel involved in the scene.

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