Wednesday 30 September 2015

Planning : Mise-En-Scene : Casting

Alex Rowden, 16
Jack, aged 16, is a student who is taking his A Levels and enjoys gaming and using social media to talk to friends. Alex Rowden will play Jack in our preliminary task. This is because he is able to play different characters easily and enjoys being in front of the camera.

Aaron James, 16

Liam, aged 16, is a student who is taking his A Levels and enjoys listening to music in his spare time. 
Aaron James will play the part of Liam in our preliminary task. Aaron is suitable for the role because he took GCSE drama which allows to perform different roles well. 

Planning : Mise-En-Scene : Location Planning

Shot 1 in our storyboard is an establishing shot. This shot will show the exterior of a school building that the other scenes will be set in. When looking for a location for this shot we felt that the outside of our own school building would be suitable. This location is easily accessible and will clearly show where the scene is set to the audience.

Shot 4 in our storyboard is a midshot of the school lockers. This shot will show the character getting an item from his locker. When looking for a location we decided that using the lockers in school would be suitable as they are easily accessible and also within the school grounds where the scene is set.

Shot 5 in our storyboard is a mid tracking shot showing a school hall way which leads to the classroom the other character is in.When looking for a location we decided that using the corridor in school would be suitable as it is easily accessible and also within the school grounds where the scene is set.

Shot 7 - 12 is a shot reverse shot inside a classroom where the 2 characters are exchanging a few lines of dialogue. When looking for a location we decided that using a classroom in school would be suitable as it is easily accessible and also within the school grounds where the scene is set.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Preliminary Task : Filming Schedule

Date: 9thOctober 2015
Health and Safety

Don’t trap fingers in the locker.

Don’t run/fall

Laptop and Paper

Laptop and Paper

Saturday 26 September 2015

Preliminary Task : Creating A Storyboard From Initial Ideas

In the lesson today we made a storyboard for each shot in the scene. We did this by folding an A3 page into 12 squares and planning a scene for each square. We then used the 12 shot challenge to design 12 shot ideas for the scene and we made a story board for each scene, this is represented below. On each story board we had to consider the following; Location, Camera Shot, Camera Movement, Camera Angle, Cast Required and Dialogue.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Preliminary Task : First Ideas

Liam (16) walks up and opens a classroom door. He then walks up to the table and sits dow on the opposite chair to Jack (16)  who is already sat down doing computer work. Liam then asks about some homework.

Understanding and Applying Basic Terminology

This is an Extreme Longshot
This is a Longshot
This is a Mid-Shot
This is a Close-Up

This is an Extreme Close-Up

This is a Point of View Shot

This is an Over the Shoulder Shot

This is a High Angled Shot
This is a Low Angled Shot
This is a Two Shot

OCR Video Guides To Basic Terminology

Foundation Portfolio : What Is It?

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Me as a Consumer of Media


Who - My favourite film writer/director is Wes Craven. Wes Craven was the creator  of my favourite horror films; A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream.

What  - I watch movies on my Xbox and TV. I mostly watch movies on Netflix but I also have a large collection of movies on CD's.

Where - I usually watch movies at home but occasionally I go to ODEON cinemas

When - I watch movies in my free time usually at night.


Who - I listen to many different bands including; Black Tongue, Whitechapel, Thy Art is Murder and Traitors.

What - I listen to music mostly off of my phone or docking system at home.

Where - I listen to music literally everywhere!

When - I listen to music whenever I am walking to somewhere or even when im doing work or sitting at home.

This is an example of the music I listen to: Black Tongue - In the Wake ov the Wolf